is a Japanese anime produced by Toei Animation between November 9, 1990 and December 22, 1991 on the Fuji TV television network; there were fifty-eight episodes. The story revolves around a boy named Toshihiko Tanaka, who has just started at Kakegawa High School in order to play association football with his idol, Yoshiharu Kubo. Toshi's friends are not interested in playing football again this year until he convinces them to join the team. Soon, the team is entered into the All-Japan High School Championship. The series is based on the manga ''Shoot!'' by Tsukasa Ōshima, which won the 1994 Kodansha Manga Award for shōnen. ==Story== Toshihiko "Toshi" Tanaka joined the same soccer club that his idol, Yoshiharu Kubo plays for at Kakegawa High School. When Toshi played in junior high with two of his friends Kenji Shiraishi and Kazuhiro Hiramatsu, they were known as the Kakenishi golden trio. Now in high school, his friends do not want or cannot play soccer anymore. Hiramatsu is forced to study by his father so that he would become a respectable adult. However, Hiramatsu loves soccer and wants to play so he confronted his father and says that he wants to play soccer with his friends and that he would never understand his love for soccer. It turns out that his father played soccer during his youth and, remembering how much he loved it, decides to let Hiramatsu play soccer but under the condition that he will keep his grades up as well. Shiraishi on the other hand quit soccer because he lost his temper and got into a fight that ended up disqualifying their team. In the end, he joins the Kakegawa High School soccer club because he loves soccer and playing in the golden trio. Tragedy struck Kake-High soccer club when they lost their captain and ace striker Yoshiharu Kubo. During the semifinal match against Kakekita, they were down with 2–1 with less than ten minutes left. Kubo was on defense helping Kenji defend the goal against Hirose's Knuckle Shoot, when he decided to make an effort to tie the game. Kubo took the ball from his own side of the pitch, passed every Kakekita player, and scored the tying goal. After the goal, Kubo collapsed and died after the game. Toshi scored the last and winning goal for Kake-High with the end result 2–3. Afterwards, the team can't get over Kubo's death and lose to Fujita East before they get to the Nationals. Soon after, Mahori, a Brazilian-Japanese student appears. He decides to join their team after making a bit of mayhem. The whole team decides to follow Kubo's example and play fun soccer, vowing to get to the Nationals in his name. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Aoki Densetsu Shoot!」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク